(too old to reply)
Treon Verdery
2023-03-01 18:27:52 UTC
A technology that does quantum insulation could be nifty, also nifty is reverse-superobserving something back to quantum nondeterminacy: “By contrast, small things like photons and electrons are more easily isolated from their environment, so they can be preserved in a superposition for longer” So, something other than a vacuum, like a reverse-superobserver, perhaps a computer that made billions of imprecise measurements a second on something, could be quantitatively measured as to whether or not it makes known quantum suporposed matter to stay superposed longer: a reverse superobserver The MWI part is that you could create regions with reduced universe generation or that are absent universe generation, until the moment when the most ethical version was created: Get parts, assemble them under a reverse superobserver, then observe once the beneficial technological object is fully constructed.
The Doctor
2023-03-02 00:24:12 UTC
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Thoses trolls are as bad as Donald
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