At the body endogenousight emitting physiochemicals like blue fluorescent protein can make the spectroscopy absorption wavelength photons that activate synapse and neuron chemistry, energizing much faster motion of the ions and neurotransmitters acro
(too old to reply)
Treon Verdery
2022-12-09 19:58:38 UTC
Possible construction and travel function technology that makes concrete 15,19, or even 28,or possibly 32 times stronger and some amount resistant to chemicals based on published laser peening heightening strength of metals greater than 14 or 19 times as described technologies, cement can be ground into a polycrystalline powder that is polycrystalline after hardening with with water, i think it is possible to produce the shockwaves that cause pressure at the polycrystalline material to do tension and compression reinforcing compressing of the micocrystals, like laser peening with a different thing a focused 3D magnetic depthy field made with a 7-18 tesla pulsed magnetic field possibly plural magnets in a row rolling something like an agricultural disker pulled with a tractor the electromagnets have shaped beams from the pole pieces on them, there is a thing online called a metal coin squisher that makes coins more than 1/3 diameter reduced an possibly greater than twice as thick, i perceive this if from a cold ish metal shaping electromagnetic effect, noting that an mri or fmri machine magnets might be 7 teslas but omits cold squishing metal it might be 14 or even greater tesla, it uses a group of capacitors for energy and each time it is used the magnetic conduction coil disintegrates, one way to keep the coil from disintegrating is to make it hollow, with 1/11-1/4 diameter thickness of a conductive liquid metal nonharmful alloy, surrounded with a Teflon tube, which is surrounded with a strong tungsten tube, the conductive pathway disintegrates, and then reforms

Emf might wove many times faster than electrons with mass, spin polarizing the electrons cause all of the wires in two windings at a generator to have the option of simultaneous identical spin up, or alternating spins

Some refrigeration loops like dwelling heat pumps could be 14, 19 times stronger or even greater strength with laser peened tubing, this makes it such that they can be 4-19 times more warmth conducting to make greater amounts of useful cooling/warming effect/minute, or if preferred the constructed size of the machine 4-19 times less massive making it cheaper to make, and able to reach more utilizes

Roygbiv underwater and above water swimming pool lights that add all the colors of light, that are otherwise filtered that makes swimming pool water blue makes it so that swimming water light supplemented color is cri 100,possibly with a 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512, 1024 height ed amount of the wavelength of UV that causes happiness and even euphoria from tanning beds and sunshine day subjective well being heightening effects makeand eyesafe ir for radiant warming and 1.55 micrometer body highest transparency ir beamed dynamically onto body surfaces to warm the surface of the body at swimming pools, outdoor natural fresh water swimming opportunities, and even sea water swimming being temperature enjoyable at any ocean of any latitude or longitude, even causing body comfort swimming around iceland, Greenland, Northern European waters, and arctic water ocean

Light bulb that causes 4-64 times greater uv tanning bed and sun shiny day swb happiness and euphoria effects, along with the possibility that harmless very near visible uv could cause the tanning bed euphoria is the messenger rna produced during uv euphoria being epigenetically upregulates to cause 2-4 times acetylation heightening function, as well as a possible 8 times euphoria from hypermethylation any gene network gene activities and products that then cease inhibiting uv euphoria, also noting that the depth of body tissue that the uv reaches can be 8,16,32 times greater tissue depth from a UV emitter like a light bulb, or mmd mirror array narrow and depthy 3D beam steering, sequential different billion pulses per second interval amounts, such that the physiochemicals that cause uv euphoria are stimulated at the periodicity that permits the uv euphoria physiochemicals to regenerate and recapcitize, such that if the uv euphoria physiochemical regenerates at 1/100,000 of a second, the billion pulses per second uv illumination beam even a really affordable beam from uv LEDs like those where a 29¢ white ledightbulb makes or uses 6 watts of light emission being 87¢ for 18 watts, with a 11, or 111, or 1K photonic pulse combination and overlap causing uv euphoria photon energy to be pulses of 211 times greater euphoria uv amount from 11 overlapping pulses, 2.2K times greater uv euphoria stimulation from uv led pulses simultaneous effect, or 22K times uv euphoria physiochemical activation at 1K pulse overlap, notably it could be possible to utilize just 1 1/2 watts of a 29¢ at alibaba led light bulb,with 7¢ alibaba amount, and 700 or 7K photon pulse emission overlap to produce the 2,2K or 22K times sunny day sunlight, or 200 or 2K times greater than uv tanning bed uv euphoria amount, it is possible that a variety of different cyte types and tissues throughout the entire volume and depth of the body produce the uv euphoria producing body chemistry, noting that all the tissues of the body might have a mass 11, 32, 40 times the mass of the skin and dermis at 2 mm, 8 mm, and 2Cm thickness from the body surface, that suggests the depthy diffraction grating optical projection, and also cofocalizations can reach the entirety of all cytes and tissues of the body, where a 28K times uv euphoria photon amount from overlapped uv light pulses, active at all cytes of the body produce 400-700 times photonic uv euphoria causing light effect, notably, shaping the uv light, or beaming the uv light to be especially highly absorbed at various cytostructures, organelles, and laminarity of membranes could cause capillary epthelia, blood brain barrier cytes, connective tissues at the interior of the brain, glia, and notably the particular neurotransmitter neuron types that are most enjoyable from both their neurotransmitter type, and actual brain structure area like the nucleus accumbens, pallidum as well as any other , sex pleasure structures and neurotransmitters responsive to the uv euphoria chemical, o lhttimulationiaofmakes A UV pulse every 100,111th of a second to cause the greatest continually generated uv euphoria effect, depthy at the body, and depthy at the brain, CNS, and all body cytesuv

Comment on a computer created new antioxidant that causes richer growth, of better looking scalp hair on the head, The automated computer creation of new moles that are antioxidants is nifty, a few minutes ago I was wondering if there was an existing body enzyme that removes oxidation lips from membrane layer lipids like omega 3 dha and heart benefitting epa, epigenetic upregulation of that oxygen on lipid, oxygen remover could be a longevizing, youthspan increasing, beauty heightening softer skin and healthier tissue supplement, or epigenetic modifier, the new scalp hair regularity and smoothness of form and increased regenerative growth antioxidant might regrow or benefit cochlear ear hairs, internal body and exterior dermis keratin tissues like outer skin, fingernails, and it is possible there is already some internal keratin at connective tissues that support facial youthful form, high youthful breast shape and form, all connective tissues supporting preservation of teenage, and immediately most beautiful prepubertal body form, during and after puberty most beautiful body form, attaching the new hair keratin smoothness, growth, and growth prompting antioxidant to Localization peptides and moieties from amino acid peptide sequences, to nucleotide sequences that cause traversal through the nuclear membrane, or mitochondrial membrane, possibly a peptide, nucleotide, or moiety that causes orders of magnitude higher concentration next to ribosomes, as well as at endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and even the microvasculature capillaries that bring nutrients to scalp hair producing follicles could cause multiples of greater smoothness, beauty causing regularity of the scalp hair produced at the hair follicles,

One of the longevization, youthspan heightening, health span heightening, and better than well causing of multiple doubling or orders of magnitude capability heightening from computer created new antioxidants, messaging and receptor active antioxidants, is just like the published new antioxidant benefits keratin smoothness, regularity, renewed production, a computer program can function to create an elastin, collagen, cartilage, or any structural connective tissue protein, like any found at the connective tissues of the brain, CNS, spinal cord, lungs, arteries and arterioles, cardiac muscle, vagina, vaginal canal, exterior vagina, also increasing the amount of well and youthful flexibility of the connective tissue of the vaginal canal to interior hip tissues causes each orgasmic muscle motion, each penetrative sexual pleasure vibrator thrust when a woman or girls has sex with another woman or girlheightened growth, regularity and function of cochlear hairs, connective tissues, body interior and surface support tissues, and although cilia at the lungs, gi tract, possibly fallopian tubes, and if sperm tails are thought of as cilia, sperm

At the enzyme chemistry of photosynthetic organisms, humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species with a variety of electromotive force, traversal of electrons with mass, power factor effects like separation of voltage amount

An affordable mass producible microfluidic chemical reactor or also physiochemical making reactor, neutral atom laser accelerators were published about a decade ago as accelerating neutral atoms to near 190 meters/second at at 10 micrometer, that is 1/1000th of a cm distance, combining that with a reactor body material made of variety of very affordable possible materials such as a fluoromer polymer with a very high transparency polymer, optimally better than an acrylate, o even a few single, double, or quadruple digit groups or crystalline arrangements of very very high transparency at a wider range of photon wavelength no organic elements from sapphire, c element with Si, ge, or even tin multiaTom spatial and ratio grouping, which at some ratios could have a wavelength transparency range greater than element c diamond

A new optical material could be where physicists use computer modelling of all known physics particles with greater than 111 365 twenty four hour interval of stability, as well as all physics particles with spatial adjency, couple of particle physics fields at locationality other than adjacency, even multiple meters and kilometers, and duos to orders of magnitude amounts of particles where particle with particle interaction causes stability and precludes no stability, one thing like this is where neutrons are only around 9-11 minutes but when next to a proton have previously had multiple billions of years of stability, so using software as well as thought, physicists, applied physicists, nuclear engineers, and commercial product developers could figure out which groupings of 2,3,as well as greater pluralities of particles at different kinds of physics fields like fuamental physics fields of numerous and varied forms such as fraction spin or also integer spin or groupings of various spin particles and energy carrying particles that have numerous emergent energy field effects like different kinds of poles, with different tropisms, things other than attraction, repulsion, new energy geometries than particular previously existing field line kinds of 0,1,2,3D spatial and field form geometries like field concentrations arising from particles and groups of particles with fractional spin, with fractional spin emergent energy effects like 132,720,4900,or possibly 38-39K different attribute parsimonious kinds of poles being producible, so the physicists, applied physicists, nuclear engineers, as well as commercial product developers using thought and computers to find groupings of particles with stability, and then finding among those, particles with new to humans spatial arrangement automaticity and emergent tropisms such as geometric tesselations reminiscent of molecules and polymers, with different spans ranging from thousandths or millionths of attometers, to femtometer, Pico meter, nanometer, micrometer, millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, plural orders of magnitudes of kilometers, with the novel possibility that with things like field coupling of matter with energy poles at witricity having 20 meters or greater cofunctial effects and attributes, as well as new possible fractional spin pole forms, as well as quantum attributes, although different than polyp article arranging energy field effects that prompt multiparticle, notably non element atom particles to cause molecule and polymer like spatial arrangements, it is possible that computer models mass screening groupings of all of the physics particles could find particles with quantum, quantized, or even analog or similar to analog attributes that can be structured to have quanta, doing quantum linkages and quantum entanglements of various different orders of magnitude of having less perturbability, as well as orders of magnitude greater effect of the energy intensity, energy density, as well as the energy field geometric topological form such that it's form might go from near being like a field with square of the distance attributes with particles near it, to particles that when they have a quantum entanglement attribute reso) Ving occurrence or observation have that attribute cause change at energy fields they share with other particles, the quantum attribute change, if it were element atoms could cause something like if a group of atoms has plural trillions of atoms cause the first electron spin at a Pauli exclusion pair to be up spin, but then quantum entanglement causes the other electron spin at a Pauli exclusion pair to actualize as spin up, then momentarily the trillions of quantum entangled quantum linked atoms would have simultaneous two electron at a Pauli exclusion attribute occurrence, this could possibly have the effect of immediately moving one of the electrons, or even possibly both of the electrons to a different shape, field shape, chemical interactivity, semiconductor attribute, different photonic or lasing wavelength and attribute energy field causing orbital shape, multi atoms at energy domains such as poles being caused to produce magnetic domain function with different field intensity, notably at an interval of any duration where both the electrons at the Pauli exclusion attribute of trillion plural element atoms have simultaneous up spin, just at that moment, a magnetic material, among magnetic materials being multiTom magnetic domains, the simultaneous identicality of element atom magnetism causing form causes such things as double magnetic field intensity and density, or just possibly 2^2 heightened magnetic field, it is also possible a coating on a conductor, interior magnetic particle a conductor, or radio antenna, transformer, magnetoptical effect laser diode, quantum dot, magnetic plasma like Wakefield array plasma, fusion plasma, catalytic hydrocarbon oxidation energy producing plasma, plasmas occuring when high energy lasers do such things as hydrocarbon well drilling, water well drilling, drilling and shaping of mining ores and causing high specificity disintegration, cominuting, and high value multikilometer ore vein mineral and element production, where just 2, 4, 8,11 parts per hundred of all the minable mineral volume or mineral face is at some mines and minerals and elements able to produce 88-92 parts per hundred of element amount utilizing possibly 9-24 times less energy at mining, an at some geological and mineral forms possibly able to get high element amounts from laser disintegration, comminution, and even motionizing just on ore veins and seams, if lasers are 1.4,2,4,16,32,64,128 times more rapid at causing mineral comminution chunks, and powders than mechanical motion mine surface cominuting machinery, and just 4,8,11 parts per 111 are comminuted, disintegrated, and motionize with lasers, or even photonic technologies 19-24 times more affordable than lasers like negative refractive index optics causing 49¢-$3.49 of laser diodes producing variously 10 or 100 watts, optically collimating and conentrating the light to go from about 8 sq mm to 1-4 sq mm to be a mineral seam disintegrating beam of 40,80,111,1K multiple spatially arranged light beams, at published optical polishing photon beam diameter from possibly 11 nanometers diameter to possibly single digit, possibly 8,4,1/2,1/4 nanometer diameters if negative refractive index light beams also traverse an aperture with 32,64,128 different shapes like length thy oval, that are nearest each other a middle area, also having a circular aperture form of higher diameter than the lengthy ovals that are radiating outward from the middle, something like high width rounded lines actually being oval shapes at a circular polymer protractor, what the polyshape photonic aperture causes at the 20,11,10nm light beam that travereses the poly form aperture is that the aperture functions like a double slit at a double slit physics technology structure that actualize photonic light as waves, and just like the double slit causes nodal concentrations of photons being wavelike, producing multiple little lines of energy locationality, and i think nodal superposition caused energy density, 32,64,128 radiating lengthy oval wide slit forms at a poly form aperture are able to cause the regular little photic energy location lines to be aligned to an identical colocationality and cause 32,48,64,128 times multiple energy amount to be colocated, then, to make the light be 2,1,1/2 nanometers diameter, or possibly even 124, 62,32,16,8,4,2,or possibly a photonic beam or energy concentration just a single Pico meter at its diameter which is seven times more minute than the seven Pico meter diameter of a fluorine atom, which suggests a combination of negative refractive index optics with poly form apertures that cause light as waves to make beams 100s of times narrower than negative refractive index one or two digit nanometer diameter beams couls have technology utilizations and utility and form at patterning integrated circuit features, high energy density light beams at laser Wakefield accelerators that have anywhere from a million to a billion multiple more photons and photonic energy density that a one mm laser Wakefield accelerator, or a million times the energy intensity of a unit micrometer diameter laser utilized at a laser wakefield array particle accelerator, also utilizable at physics particle an energy field particle, and other kinds of radiation producing laser on simple foil particle generators, brain, ain cytes, CNS, nerves of all types, as well as body such as human body cytes of all types as well all molecules, neutral and ionic atoms, groupings of atoms and molecules, even virus crystals, physiochemicals at circulation, as well as molecules, physiochemicals, physiopolymers like dermal keratin that it other than at cytes, mineralization areas like bones, teeth calcication areas, brain computer interfaces and other body implants, Ike, likemilder energy intensities could be utilized at brain, CNS, neuron, neuron physiochemicals, neurotransmitter molecules, ions at synapses, and electrical pulse, waves, electronegativity and electropositivityabrhatlight ,tosrceksntsgseeto field form shapes and geometries with anything from the different volumetric field form shapes of chemical orbitals, possibly with orders of magnitude greater vole metric feature ratios where a d orbital like popcorn kernal shape could be 11-11-1K multiple lengthier than its median diameter, and the narrowest angle at the popcorn kermal as well as the larger rounder side of the popcorn kernal have energy density of 2,4,8,11,111,1K multiples greater amount of energy densityrsinesgometryylespotoasesPARTIrcyts

The automated computer creation of new moles that are antioxidants is nifty, a few minutes ago I was wondering if there was an existing body enzyme that removes oxidation lips from membrane layer lipids like omega 3 dha and heart benefitting epa, epigenetic upregulation of that oxygen on lipid, oxygen remover could be a longevizing, youthspan increasing, beauty heightening softer skin and healthier tissue supplement, or epigenetic modifier

I saw a thing online about a thing at hydrocarbon air engines where the piston had a thing that changed stroke length and possibly and to have double digit under or near or at 3/10 greater efficiency, laser peening could make it stronger and lighter, other kinds of laser peening or 3D depth magnetic field peening could make it even stronger because the Shockwave compression and tensioning of microcrystals at the metal occurs at the entire volume of the metal, rather than just a couple mm or even a cm of depth, depth magnetic field peening might then have some multiples higher strength, such as laser peening titanium being near 14 times stronger to imaginable if the volume of the metal part is 4, 8, 16 times the volume of the laser peened volume of metal then 56,111,222 times greater durabily of some form might occur, as well as the ability to cause 2,4,8,16,32 times greater durabily with energy efficient reduction of mass to 14-72-96 multiple times lighter mass, which also goes with something made from $4 of material being something like near 28-29¢ to 4.2-4.4¢ of materials utilized. It's possible photonic light arrangements of various geometries could cause the Shockwaves produced at laser peening to reach the entire volume of metal forms and parts of various sizes prepeening laser surface modification that make things like pillars at diffractive spatial Arrangements and various geometries like linear column arrangements are able to cause thing like negative refractive index optics to make a 1mm or 100 nm diameter beam be a diameter similar to 11 nanometers or fewer nanometers able to do optical material polishing, that is anything from 100K to 10k heightened energy concentration at a 11nm or eentsier beam, light beams interacting with laser engraved micrometer or nanometer structures, or even cheaper, faster, more affordable roller impression and embossing, micrometer or nanometer shapes on the sides of molds, and 3D stamping forms could be utilized to make the negative refractive index surface patterning, one notably thrifty form i saw at 9¢ a sq meter was roygbiv lively color effect at decorative polymer layer paper, which i think Was from stamping, embossing or roller embossing of polymer film at something like diffraction grating line spacing of lesss than 440 nm to perhaps twice as minute as a wavelength of blue ight at something near 200nm wide embossed lines, silicone polymer stamping shapes are able to make the width and volumetric variable form of DNA molecules, suggesting an embossed or stamped negative refractive index surface form could actually be near 2 nanometer width features
Using the negative refractive index optic at a metal or possibly polycrystalline polymer, plastic, composite, transparent phone screen like material which might be a polycrystalline glass, crystal, like quartz or alumima or also ceramics one peening laser can possibly be made to have plural beams at some geometric arrangement produced, such that the plural beams each make different Shockwaves and the Shockwave have different groups of overlap when they travel, such that causing tension and compression of the crystals at the material are caused from plural different sides, even causing geodesic patterning of tension and compression

At lasers, wavefront of trig attributes align, could a different other wavestru ture be produced and alighgn more easily, that could make aligned waveform LEDs possible, also doucomponent depthyness at photonic projections,

Spin polarized electrons or also uantum linked or entangled particles with a time crystal, plural time crystals, other periodicity generators like fission periodicity could cause different groupings of linked pRticles to do computations, or other iterations of data like computational atomTa at with some components, the velocity of quantum attribute actualization, which is published as 10,000 times the velocity of light, another faster than the velocity of light computation technology where multiple quantum attributes have nand or nor operator groupings and effect each other at pluralities of quantum linked particles, a thing I read about called a qudit, which has more than one quantum attribute could have a relation between the plural quantum attributes that is a computational operator, logic operator, where nand and nor are able to make a computing structure, i do not know if very different quantum attributes of particular kinds like say spin colinked with an angular momentum attribute are able to be quantum linked or entangled together, if they are able to do that then each pRticle is able to have logic operator actualized function from plural quantum attributes being linked or entangled, also along with physics particles ass the quantum attribute having thing, pluralities of physics particles or energy field attributes could do the quantum occurence forms, quantum entangled matter of trillions of atoms is published at entangled acoustic vibrators as making an energy form, energy field quantum attribute, that makes it possible that other energy field multiple components and forms could also produce quantum entangle able or quantum linkable capabilities and actualized arrangements, possibly arrangements of photon arrangements like the way lasers align wavefront of photons, but rather than homogenous identical ity of wavefront arrangements have a structural variation of wavefronts that has a quantum attribute, as well as a math description that does logic operators that, grouped, do computation, as well as arrangements that do various different math equations and forms instantaneously or also sequentially or parallel utilizing the arrangements of photonic wavefronts, an actual technology that might do this is where photon emitters, or photonic concentrations producible with negative refractive index optics that make 11 nanometer or more minute phonetic energy shapes as well as beams, have arrangements of area, volume, or other arrangement geometries and topologies where multiple 11 nanometer of more minute photonic concentrations have arrangements that are making of a multi hundred nanometer photon wavelength construction that like a green, blue, or uv wavelength, notably, because the 400 or 440 nanometer photonic structure has plural attributes from at arrangements of 11nm or more minute sized photonic energy components, a variety of forms ranging from 40 factorial to higher amounts of producible attributes and relations from more than a unitary amount of photic attributes different than wavefront alignment coalignment or different than identical alignment structures, where other attributes of photons like spin, angular momentum quantum utilize able attributes,

Could arrangements of just one quantum attribute like spin be group able at arrangements of a plurality of that quantum attribute cause another quantum attribute to occur, ranging from entangled frequency generators, possibly with some similarity to published quantum entangled acoustic form producers, but where a quantum attribute of a physics particle or also attribute or emergent energy field attribute have a new quantum attribute having actualization which comes from pluralization of another quantum attribute, if it is possible to do that then the generated new quantum form actualization could have relationality that makes logic relational operators that do computing, ranging from nand also nor logic operators computational technologies can be built from, to other arrangements that do math representations, equations and forms different than computational structures and arrangements,

Kind of an novel to me thing, is that noting actualization of a quantum resolved plural entangled or linked quantum thing being published as occuring 10,000 times the velocity of light, quantum having thing arrangements are able to be and do math forms faster than the velocity of light, arranging the quantum linkages or quantum entanglements to have math representation attributes, suggesting that things different than Planck units could be physics description AL and technological development utilizable forms and structures and math polysttribute things more producing of, having predictive validity at, also capability than the Planck units,

Different physics particles at all the 2021AD known physics particles have different things like having a diameter, or a thing like 0,1,2,3 dimensionality, 4D spacetime dimensionality, or other dimensionality of attributes and energy arrangements, like I read electrons have dimensionality less than 1,along with things like measuring all the physics particles to see, and think of new amounts of the different velocities of quantum entanglement or quantum linkage velocity of having actualized attribute occuring, to doing that find physics particles where amounts different than, greater than, or having noninteger description than 10,000 times the velocity of light are a physics as well as an applied physics new technology structure capability area, so technologies are makeable with greater than 10,000 times the velocity of light math forms, computational velocities, or possibly groupings that actualize a new generated utilizable quantum attribute from any kind of structural action of the things that happen during entangled or linked quantum plural actualization AL making a new quantum attribute, one or two kinds of kludge new attributes are things that occur at math that have structural different Ness, like how different numbers multiple together at various odd or even numbers of things multiplied always produce an odd or even result, prime numbers, ratios of integers producing categories of the kinds of attributes that occur, like finite decimals, integers, no finite but identical decimal digits, nonfinite and repeating sequence decimal digits, no periodic decimal digits that a math equation can predicts, and nonfinite a periodic decimal digits a math equation only partially predicts, where at those different categories that occur, quantum entangled or linked pluralities have new utilizable math space, where the new math space does equation and form solutions 10,000 times faster than the velocity of light, as well as does computing, the math particularities that have a uniqueness attribute the can also be utilized as bits, or some kind of thing better than bits

Could inequality ranges be better than bits,

Dimers of Pi pi that goes 3.1415.5141.3 as a particular occurence of an amount Ness structure such as a component i Ed notation like complex numbers, matrices, tensors, decimal real numbers would, as pi have various parsimonious instaneous circular relations, that causes completely different parsimonious equations other than trig equations to occur, from parallel simultaneous relationaltities of curved forms, fractal nonlinear forms, log paper like forms that are nonlinear which have representation of plural math attributes, to all have generative of relationality, graphability, visualization as well as human visualization forms that have occurence, nonfinite occurence, nonfinite attribute chronological or time type various relationaltities like future heralding, retro causality, time dilation, sideways time, the time type associated with time asymmetric k leptons, relativistic frame of reference ways of the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser apparatus as well as technology particle being nonmotional at the particles frame of reference where the rest of the apparatus has variation as to attributes of types of time occur at the apparatus rather than the particle where some of the things that actualize at the apparatus are nonconnected coccurence that is of different type that is different than quantum entanglement, data restructing at the sensor and computer that senses an enumerates the particle or also particles, teleportstion similar occurrences at the mass and energy of the apparatus when the particle is nonmotional at its relativistic frame of reference, sticeistic

I read a suggestive amount about relativistic frames of reference like stationary frames of reference, it could be possible that some physics things have components where some of the components have stationary frames of reference while other components have nonstatiary attribute, where things like two components of a physics thing could have different math attributes like directions, positive or negative number Ness, tensor, geometric, topological attribute variation here at a physics thing some of the nonstatiary frame of reference could be an attribute with a geometry form differing from another geometry form, or even a positive or negative amount attribute at different components of a physics thing with a frame of reference, o various kinds of relativity or other frames of reference actualizing where a negative amount occuring at a component with a positive component able to produce zero component that actualize stationary Ness at a frame of reference occur, where at a technology utilizable occurence a physics thing has plural ways of producing stationary form of reference suggests that relativity and special relativity stationary frames of reference and other frames of reference are makeable of and different types, where each of a plurality of different types of stationary frame of reference have different actualized attributes and emergent math arrangements which cause actual physics measurements and physics actual energy field emergent structures to be different from each other and exist or also be producible at technologies are a new to me area of relativity and special technologies as well as physics a kludge simplification is what if some of the components of a photon, or faster than light neutrino at water, have positive as well as negative values of components that combine to make stationary frame of reference are able to have some of the components be faster than light, and other components being other velocities such that physics observed relativity is able to support faster than light components at the physics thus far measured, also relativity has I read something to do with gravity, so it is possible that new kinds of frames of reference could describe, or make technologies that produce new kinds of gravity, gravity math, technology forms that produce new kinds of gravity ranging from gravity topological insulators, shields, things different than square of the distance energy fields like tractor beams, tractor beam geometries, that when opposite the 20th century kind of gravity cause motion away from an astrophysics form like a planet, o other matter concentration like a singularity, nonsingularity geometry form like a thing made of all one kind of physics particle, energy emitting astrophysics objects, things with gravity that have completely different energies of event horizons which cause different things when each kind of all the physics particles of a particular event horizon energy accumulate together, that kind of suggests a thing differ t than fusion, where different accumulations of all the different particles from a particle particular event horizon cause the particles to modify their structural order at, different than fusion order rearrangement cause order spanning particles, having math structures ranging from topological insulators to topological identicalizers that cause various kinds of Cohen e and regularity, particular production of identical Ness of matter, information, or energy attributes like something other than a wave attribute, different types of time as well as different types of chronology attribute ways of being a physics thing, where also at energy, rather than frequency, periodicity, or any or all of the schoedinger equation or maxwell wave equations that utilize waves, descriptive, as well as polytypes of time actualization, producing, where just a particular time type is sequential able to make energy or other physics things with geometries and topologies like nondiffractive relational, plural synchronization and relations, math hypergenerative or exclusionary attributes that have wider ranges of math space than time types that do sequential periodicity make from any kind of math with two or a greater plurality of directionalities and amountnesses, such as side and angle relations of curved forms, or also polygons with connectionality of linerities, distal attribute from no connection of linerities, or even amount Ness types and structures with various greater amount Ness or different categories of nonfiniteness than real numbers, or even have amount Ness structures with parsimonious things even simpler and more parsimonious than integers Making, actualizing, different types of time occurnced, structuralizations of energy or other physics things, so a particle, also an energy carrier particle could have an asymptote, different time types being able to make their own versions of what is called variation, where the energy carrying particle or other energy form have thi gs which have different math relations of energy traversal, concentration, transmission, topological insulator like exusionaryness, commutativity or noncommutativity of relation, like energy attribute collocation, concatenation, do and make different things than stacking, condensing to a minimal energy geometry or topology, Polarizations, also, making these new kinds of physics energy, energy fields, particle or non particle attribute groups, as well as detecting and measuring preexisting form at nature and astrophysics I facitating of numerous new technogies being created, manufactured, and produced that benefit humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species, things completely different than waves

tpololedaving stmontnessypovies opytypefmatterromeldsferencelativityonentssikeistic

Commutatve as well as noncummuntative non zfc math occruences where things like the plural solutions of just a couple, 3, 4, reoccuences, operator and variables cause an output characteristics that have computer making nand or nor occurence, as well as other math solving, structural zing, instaneous form and relation producing, math equation or form making things, there is likely a much better way but 1, 2,3,4 different commutative as well as noncummuntative operators function on two variables, generating 16, 64,256 different results, the types of the results could then have the 1,1->0,two directional I ties like 1,0 also 0,1,as well as 0,0 occur, such that at a particular kind of non zfc math there is a blend or types of commutative or noncummutive operators where every operation on 1-4 variables causes a nand gate is a kind new to me math thing, where computation doers like computers are autoproduced effects of data or variables simply existing, or also when they are utilized at equations and math forms, the technological utility being that non commutative with commutative attributes of physics things like matter or also energy together do computer form construction, and then do computing, enarrangementser3rentuchbettergsidentisving

Use atomic force microscope with cobalt atoms on the front at various shapes to use as a printing embossing pattern, put at 3 tesla magnet on the back to reduce motion, have the back be a transparent material so a laser tractor beam or laser tweezers can pull that atoms toward the surfaceto mi

Some antennas, and photon wavelength absorbers, specoscopy absorption and fluorescence line wavelengths, at unit element atoms and other physics particles and particle groups, shape of element atoms together as adjacencies, molecules, crystals, as well as shapes of things that resonate,

Could a logic operator statement made of physics things do godels completeness theorem minimal statement coo curing with an actual phyics thing like a quantum attribute like spin, a relativity frame of refererence, a previously separate location and momentum particle attribute, anything utilized as a computing bit, qubit, qudit, analog computing physics thing, delayed choice quantum Eraser particle, angular momentum attribute, where the incompleteness theorem actual physics thing then causes generative occurrence of more kinds of new kinds of angular momentum, where cooccurence of a godels incompleteness thing like (this statement is!valid) causes the actualized relationity of occuring to exist at measurable physics of an an angular momentum attribute like translation to have plural math form that turns a scalar, vector, or tensor into a new math form with greater plural amounts of attributes, such as at at translational motion, the preclusion of absorption or dissipation of translational motion at and as angular momentum, as well as translational motion having new plural interaction types of occurrence and physics energy form and physics force transference at physics things like particles, groups of particles and geometry shapes when they receive energy transmittance from a physics thing with translational motion effecting them, a possibility is that godels incompleteness theorem cooccurence with translational motion at a angular momentum precluding such things as non occurrence of absence of interaction, non occurrence of interaction, greater spread of the attributes of momentum, or also position, nondeterminacy of a wavelength where a translation motion physics thing like a particle has actualization as a wave, as well as rather than decreased determinacy of wavelength, the occurrence heightened determinacy as a wavelength, multi wavelength attribute like wavelet grouping, standing waves,, very high durability soliton or also dissipative soliton standing waves, waves with greater than 2 dimensionality, or three dimensionality of coo curing attributes, geometry, topology, a wave occuence at a physics thing that has godels incometeness theorem attribute, or multiple plural arrangements of godels incompleteness theorem as tesselated adjacency like a statement that has 9,27 (rubrics geometry arrangements) or 720 different continuous curve silmultaneous adjacency arrangements like continuous curve degrees, fractal amounts of adjacency of coccuring godels incompleteness theorem statements have actualized existence of arrangements physics things that do logic, at actual produced, manufactured, and caused to exist physics technologies cause angular momentum types like translational motion to have new different types of translational occur, as well as translational motion having new actually existing and technology utilizable attributes ranging from having very very high energy intensity and density from heightening of math form attributes, or decrease of math form attributes like size of that at which two or more physics things meet have new geometry like a point, a parabola, orconcave bowl with a circumference perimeter of intensified energy density, a translational motion physics thing like a particle having a variety of new chonointervals of energy transference that could cause an occurrence of a particle meeting a particle to have an optimal interval that causes the largest energy transference, or is an interval that precludes rebound, reflective, or other thing at translational motion interaction where a physics thing meets another physics thing like a particle and then causes energy transfer, new forms of time and chronoattribute kinds, or also translational motion physics things or particles way of having math, form, shape, or geometry at a physics thing or particle that is or are active and determining of effect and topology of energy transfer that is at the occurrence of energy transmission during translational motion could cause different resonance effect types to occur with plural greater than 1 or 2 dimension of heightening energy accumulation at physics motion equation resonance, so, the thing where a physics thing actualized occurrence of different forms of godels incompleteness theorem caused to exist at a variety of completely different physics things like translational motion, rotation, vibration, other motions, as well as godels incompleteness theorem actual physics thing cooccurence or attribute at other thing like spin, as well as other quantum attributes heightens the amount of physics things, measure able physics thing and caused occurrences an relations that can occur, at godels incompleteness theorem coattribute at a quantum entanglement or quantum linkage, more different numeric states then occur, like at spin, along with up and another type, there is also being, absence of being, simultaneity of two data bits together per spin type that are able to combine existing Ness of a godel statement, non validity of a godels incompleteness theorem statement, the amount of different instantaneous different amount Ness of each part of a statement having different math form attributes like geometry and topology types forms and arrangements noting they are able to generate math things more parsimonious than integers, 0 dimensional occurrence Ness, 1 dimensional nonfinte number lines, a godels incompleteness theorem actual physics thing, new physics thing, energy field arrangement, mass arrangement, information arrangement, potential energy arrangement, relativity and spacetime arrangement, attribute, and effect, possibly spatial linearity of volume occurrence like a resonator like a coreflective laser beam or other laser topology resonant actual manufactured, produced, and caused to exist technology producing godels incompleteness theorem, a particular way out of a plurality of ways being causing logic element and logic operator occurrence and arrangement at the resonator produced actual physics thing, it's also possible that numerous physics things can do godels incompleteness theorem actualized attri utes of relationality either instantaneously, at various parallelism, or with each component part of the things utilized at a godels incompleteness statement having attributes modified with, mutually effecting of, unidirectional, or at plural directionally of, as well as quantum entangled or quantum linked with a different physics thing, physics particle, or other physics thing which causes godels incomplete theorem to operate at that physics thing or particle, at various kinds of physics particle, other physics thing, such as an energy beam like a laser, a muon or electron beam, an ion beam of positive or negative ions, a purality of beam types with a beam of fractional or integer spin particles with attributes and names of different Ness of larger amount and completely different names than positive or negative kinds of beams, uTtributesusing things like fractional spin physics particles, energy fields, groupings of particles like huesler material crystals where because fractional spin, as well as factorial different ways of making particular occurrence, as well as plural groupings of fractional as well as integer spin of 4900 or 34K different types

Diffraction gratings and optics can produce 3 dimensional depth photonic forms and likely other energy kinds and types are able to produce depthy 3D shapes, at plural energy carrier particles, possibly with plural attributes actualize able as waves, depthy 3D reinforcement and anti reinforced occurrences and patterns such as diffractive or things different than diffraction that are more math parsimonious than diffraction, or could also have more math relationalities and attributes than diffraction, could be utilized at new physics technologies manufactured, produced and caused to actually exist and be utilized depthy 3 dimensional energy, possibly mass, information forms which have more attributes utilizable at new technology and physics than holograms, new Polarizations, wave attribute arrangements, plural variation attributes of waves like directionity of numberlinedirectionality being an attribute of a wave being positive number directionity, negative number directionity, complex number directionity, possibly being able to have directionity of kinds that occur when the complex number amount Ness descriptive type is math generative of quaternions, octanions sixteenions and other anions math form attributes of directionity of energy at waves

s ions snsdoes rpitivenitbes utesforcementutes

Gravity hologram, holograms at all physics energy carrier particles high density high intensity muon actualized as wave holograms, power factor at electricity separate current and voltage waves used to produce depthy 3D holograms, coupled

lingwith xistenceemberhanuteseeutesingsa actualtualogvhronoattributea sttributrsnezics, that could cause different wavelength absorbers, emitters, nodal or antinodal concatenators, data bit capacity producers, to have different physics things attributes caused to actually be manufactured, produced, and actually exist with physics technologies and new technologies that are also able to be utilized to produce cometely new technogy items, components, products, mass produced, mass manufactured, very highly affordable mass distributed highly beneficial, high utility consumer product technologies, shnologiesutrsofsural

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lshgsquantum crequencyuralityvariationsicle oncentrationssrallelphotonuralitiesutesuritiesblished
2023-01-04 07:21:09 UTC
