Synthetic Telepathy and Electromagnetic Warfare
(too old to reply)
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-15 12:03:15 UTC
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.

If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
psychological warfare and mind control which today is declassified:

"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at

Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
video games, for example. See this link:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at

Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .

See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in

The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,52674,00.html
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.

See these we following web sites:

"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,

"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,

and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-15 12:22:11 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,52674,00.html
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the US
still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take casualties in a
war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.

Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a mind
controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on behalf of the
Illuminati of the New World Order.

It all makes sense now...

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 05:51:16 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the
US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know that
the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret electromagnetic
weapons, as these following web sites show:
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at

Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
video games, for example. See this link:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-16 14:39:52 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the
US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know that
the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
As I have said elsewhere, I am familiar with most of this tech *and* its
limitations. What you and others describe is far more likely to be symptoms of
mental illness.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 23:26:40 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission
Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the
US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know
that the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
As I have said elsewhere, I am familiar with most of this tech *and* its
limitations. What you and others describe is far more likely to be
symptoms of mental illness.
To be honest Dirk, I have never been subjected to such weaponry, and I
have never suffered from the above mentioned types of illness. What does
make me pause to stop and think is that before the U.S. military admitted
to possessing such types of weapons, it was all highly classified, so the
question remains what remains to be declassified. The U.S.A. also has many
spies working alongside the spies of the members of the ECHELON spy
satellite network, which also includes the United Kingdom, where the
U.S.A. has many military bases, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Another personal query that I have is does Russia have similar types of
weapons because the Russian military, unlike the other sectors of the
Russian economy, is technologically advanced, well-funded, and even more
secretive than that of the U.S.A. Russia, like the U.S.A., still posseses
a large nuclear arsenal. In the past, and probably to this day, American
spies on occasion try to pass themselves off as Russian spies, and Russian
spies sometimes try to pass themselves off as American spies.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-16 23:35:40 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the
US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know
that the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
As I have said elsewhere, I am familiar with most of this tech *and* its
limitations. What you and others describe is far more likely to be
symptoms of mental illness.
To be honest Dirk, I have never been subjected to such weaponry, and I
have never suffered from the above mentioned types of illness. What does
make me pause to stop and think is that before the U.S. military admitted
to possessing such types of weapons, it was all highly classified, so the
question remains what remains to be declassified. The U.S.A. also has many
spies working alongside the spies of the members of the ECHELON spy
satellite network, which also includes the United Kingdom, where the
U.S.A. has many military bases, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Another personal query that I have is does Russia have similar types of
weapons because the Russian military, unlike the other sectors of the
Russian economy, is technologically advanced, well-funded, and even more
secretive than that of the U.S.A. Russia, like the U.S.A., still posseses
a large nuclear arsenal. In the past, and probably to this day, American
spies on occasion try to pass themselves off as Russian spies, and Russian
spies sometimes try to pass themselves off as American spies.
I'm also fairly familiar with the spying game, although my knowledge is a bit
dated now. However, the real question remains as to why any agency would spend
millions of dollars tormenting Joe Nobody for no reason.

As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication that the
technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the civilian sphere.
With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's interesting to see what
approaches have not even rated a mention in the military stuff.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-17 05:35:06 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of
Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are
communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why
the US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know
that the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
As I have said elsewhere, I am familiar with most of this tech *and* its
limitations. What you and others describe is far more likely to be
symptoms of mental illness.
To be honest Dirk, I have never been subjected to such weaponry, and I
have never suffered from the above mentioned types of illness. What does
make me pause to stop and think is that before the U.S. military admitted
to possessing such types of weapons, it was all highly classified, so the
question remains what remains to be declassified. The U.S.A. also has
many spies working alongside the spies of the members of the ECHELON spy
satellite network, which also includes the United Kingdom, where the
U.S.A. has many military bases, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Another personal query that I have is does Russia have similar types of
weapons because the Russian military, unlike the other sectors of the
Russian economy, is technologically advanced, well-funded, and even more
secretive than that of the U.S.A. Russia, like the U.S.A., still posseses
a large nuclear arsenal. In the past, and probably to this day, American
spies on occasion try to pass themselves off as Russian spies, and
Russian spies sometimes try to pass themselves off as American spies.
I'm also fairly familiar with the spying game, although my knowledge is a
bit dated now. However, the real question remains as to why any agency
would spend millions of dollars tormenting Joe Nobody for no reason.
As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication that
the technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the
civilian sphere. With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's
interesting to see what approaches have not even rated a mention in the
military stuff.
You are right to suggest that the U.S. military only declassifies secret
technology which has proved to be ineffective. Any secret technology which
proves to be effective would probably not ever be admitted to by any
nation's military intelligence agency. --
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-17 13:00:07 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication that
the technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the
civilian sphere. With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's
interesting to see what approaches have not even rated a mention in the
military stuff.
You are right to suggest that the U.S. military only declassifies secret
technology which has proved to be ineffective. Any secret technology which
proves to be effective would probably not ever be admitted to by any
nation's military intelligence agency. --
And so they use it on Joe Nobody for no reason other than to get them to blab
all about it across the Net to their similarly persecuted pals. And it only
costs them millions of dollars to blow their cover.

The clincher is that no technology ever stops the 'mindreading' or 'voices'.
"They" always find a way to defeat it. Enter a Faraday cage which block all EM
capable of data transmission and "they" somehow still manage to get through. And
those hidden TV cameras are so small they cannot be found even if the walls are
ripped out and sifted for electronics. They obvious use optical techniques that
go far beyond the limitations of known physics.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-18 22:39:01 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication that
the technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the
civilian sphere. With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's
interesting to see what approaches have not even rated a mention in the
military stuff.
You are right to suggest that the U.S. military only declassifies secret
technology which has proved to be ineffective. Any secret technology
which proves to be effective would probably not ever be admitted to by
any nation's military intelligence agency. --
And so they use it on Joe Nobody for no reason other than to get them to
blab all about it across the Net to their similarly persecuted pals. And
it only costs them millions of dollars to blow their cover.
The clincher is that no technology ever stops the 'mindreading' or
'voices'. "They" always find a way to defeat it. Enter a Faraday cage
which block all EM capable of data transmission and "they" somehow still
manage to get through. And those hidden TV cameras are so small they
cannot be found even if the walls are ripped out and sifted for
electronics. They obvious use optical techniques that go far beyond the
limitations of known physics.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
What are you saying Dirk, that you also believe that this technology exists?
What a U-turn on your part if you really believe that the above-mentioned
technology exists.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-18 23:39:34 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication that
the technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the
civilian sphere. With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's
interesting to see what approaches have not even rated a mention in the
military stuff.
You are right to suggest that the U.S. military only declassifies secret
technology which has proved to be ineffective. Any secret technology
which proves to be effective would probably not ever be admitted to by
any nation's military intelligence agency. --
And so they use it on Joe Nobody for no reason other than to get them to
blab all about it across the Net to their similarly persecuted pals. And
it only costs them millions of dollars to blow their cover.
The clincher is that no technology ever stops the 'mindreading' or
'voices'. "They" always find a way to defeat it. Enter a Faraday cage
which block all EM capable of data transmission and "they" somehow still
manage to get through. And those hidden TV cameras are so small they
cannot be found even if the walls are ripped out and sifted for
electronics. They obvious use optical techniques that go far beyond the
limitations of known physics.
What are you saying Dirk, that you also believe that this technology exists?
What a U-turn on your part if you really believe that the above-mentioned
technology exists.
"Synthetic telepathy" (ie voice transmission) exists in both uwave and (more
plausibly) ultrasonic form.

What I don't believe in are the ludicrous claims of those who feel they are
being persecuted (at $millions cost and for no reason) by various secret agencies.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-19 02:32:59 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
As to what programs exist, declassification is usually an indication
that the technology was either a dead end or has been superceded in the
civilian sphere. With regards to Psi war projects, like STARGATE it's
interesting to see what approaches have not even rated a mention in the
military stuff.
You are right to suggest that the U.S. military only declassifies
secret technology which has proved to be ineffective. Any secret
technology which proves to be effective would probably not ever be
admitted to by any nation's military intelligence agency. --
And so they use it on Joe Nobody for no reason other than to get them to
blab all about it across the Net to their similarly persecuted pals. And
it only costs them millions of dollars to blow their cover.
The clincher is that no technology ever stops the 'mindreading' or
'voices'. "They" always find a way to defeat it. Enter a Faraday cage
which block all EM capable of data transmission and "they" somehow still
manage to get through. And those hidden TV cameras are so small they
cannot be found even if the walls are ripped out and sifted for
electronics. They obvious use optical techniques that go far beyond the
limitations of known physics.
What are you saying Dirk, that you also believe that this technology
exists? What a U-turn on your part if you really believe that the
above-mentioned technology exists.
"Synthetic telepathy" (ie voice transmission) exists in both uwave and
(more plausibly) ultrasonic form.
What I don't believe in are the ludicrous claims of those who feel they
are being persecuted (at $millions cost and for no reason) by various
secret agencies.
Dirk, I don't believe that such a thing could exist, because if it did,
they would have known that Saddam Hussein possessed no weapons of mass
destruction in 2003, as witnessed by Iraq's failure to use such weapons in
2003, and they would know by now where Al-Zarqawi and Osama-bin-Laden are
hiding. They would also know just how advanced Iran's secret nuclear
program is. The ECHELON spy network would by this stage have collected a
large amount of information on Iran's secret nuclear weapons program,
although the U.S. air force, unlike the Israeli air force, is scared to
take out Iran's nuclear energy "research" facilities, even though Iran has
more than enough petroleum and natural gas reserves to meet its needs.
Besides, Iran's secret nuclear "research" facilities are too far from the
range of the Israeli air force, and are also too scattered and too deeply
buried in underground bunkers. Only the U.S. air force, based in Iraq, on
aircraft carriers, and in Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, has the range
and bunker busting bombs to take out secret "nuclear" research facilities
in Iran, along with Iran's Shahab missiles which are capable at firing
nuclear warheads at a long range. Syria at the moment has Scud missiles
capable of firing chemical and biological warheads, which Syria also
possesses, and the Syrians still demand the return of the Golan Heights
from Israel, which Israel seized from Syria in the Six-Day War of 1967.
The Golan Heights is a major source of fresh water for Israel, and many of
the tributaries which originate in the Golan Heights flows into the
freshwater lake called the Sea of Galilee, which in turn flow by way of
the Jordan River into the extremely salty lake called The Dead Sea.
Although Israel has a large nuclear weapons arsenal, the Americans trust
them in not using it in a first strike.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Wm Sweeney
2022-08-23 00:15:15 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Wow! With all this mind control tech available one has to wonder why the
US still needs to set dogs on naked prisoners and continues to take
casualties in a war in Iraq that shows no sign of ending.
Oh... I get it - it's part of the coverup! And Bin Laden is secretly a
mind controlled zombie programmed by the US intelligence agencies on
behalf of the Illuminati of the New World Order.
It all makes sense now...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
I don't know how much is bluff, and how much is genuine, But I do know that
the U.S. military has admitted to possessing some secret electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
As I have said elsewhere, I am familiar with most of this tech *and* its
limitations. What you and others describe is far more likely to be symptoms of
mental illness.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
limitations? youre a fucking idiot or a plant
2022-08-23 15:02:03 UTC
On Monday, August 22, 2022 at 5:15:17 PM UTC-7, Wm Sweeney wrote:
Post by Wm Sweeney
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
limitations? youre a fucking idiot or a plant
This is a 17 year old thread. Not sure why you'd feel the need to try and resurrect this particular corpse. The pig's lipstick is pretty obvious. Which is why people gave up feeding this person the attention they crave.

David A. Smith

Uncle Al
2005-10-15 14:48:18 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies
[snip crap]
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel,
[snip more crap]
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration
[snip rest of crap]
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
2005-11-23 00:48:19 UTC
"Uncle Al" <***@hate.spam.net> wrote in message news:***@hate.spam.net...

Uncle Al...
Best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving period...
Have never forgotten the peer counsel you gave me a couple of
years ago.. The changes I made in my professional life wrought truly
wondrous rewards, for which I am eternally thankful to you, for taking
the time, and to the guiding spirit of the universe, whatever that might

Best wishes
Mark Thorson
2005-11-23 01:14:59 UTC
Post by H***@nospam.nix
Have never forgotten the peer counsel you gave me a couple
of years ago.. The changes I made in my professional life wrought
truly wondrous rewards, for which I am eternally thankful to you,
for taking the time, and to the guiding spirit of the universe,
whatever that might be.
What great advice did he give you? Switch to a non-chemistry major,
blackmail the boss, rip off all the intellectual property from your
previous employer, retire to Bulgravia?
2005-10-15 15:08:16 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,52674,00.html
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,

FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.

Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.

Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.

1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy


2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy


3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501


4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)


5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in


These are just a few examples.

Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-15 19:28:32 UTC
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,52674,00.html
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
22 Skiddoo

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-15 20:26:54 UTC
broady complained, cajoled and whined in her message news:***@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com...
Post by KS
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for the
last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS [***A***] on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
which reads: **** Please help me, My Pussy hurts! ****
which says: **** I will not be using it further, it is free for your use
until it expires or is maxed out ****
Post by KS
which says: *** But hey -- for a cricket lover 501 is not just any number
you know.
So, why are you crying, twattie?... Jerry Springer had a (1) marathon-cunt
on his show who devoured 2000 cocks, presumably also your FBI/NSA
sadists amongst them, within 2 days... and without any complaints out
of that barndoor, and in all probability they were not cricket sized neither.
Thanks for the laughs, Analy,... (is that what you complain about, really?)...
ahaha... AHAHAHahaha... ahahahahahanson
PS: [***A***]
Yo, listen broady, be glad and gratefull that they do that. Otherwise
you'd never know what YOU were and are thinking..... ahahaha....
2005-10-15 21:29:42 UTC
Never met anyone who actually laughs in print.

marathon-cunt on his show who devoured 2000 cocks,

In one sitting? Where did they get that much chicken? Wouldn't her
stomach explode after the first 5 or 6? You must be exaggerating.
2005-10-16 00:06:26 UTC
[I, Stocky] Never met anyone who actually laughs in print.
ahahaha... NOW you did, Stocky, you fat, old and uptight geezer...
... the "ahaha"... as "prefix" is to alert and crank those uptight shits
who wouldn't get it otherwise. .... the "ahaha" as a "post script"
is to crank those dumb-shits that didn't get the meaning of the
"prefix"..... ahahahaha.... AHAHAHA...

marathon-cunt on his [Jerry Springer] show who devoured
2000 cocks, within 2 days...
In one sitting? Where did they get that much chicken? Wouldn't her
stomach explode after the first 5 or 6? You must be exaggerating.
ahahaha... that's a good one, Stocky, your dirty old man. First things
first, Stocky: One chicken can handle many more cocks than you
would like to have it... ahaha... but 2ndly & more important: Did your
"Analy" here give you stirrings in your geriatric loins? Good for you!
But... exaggerating?... me?... ahahaha... what for?... Not only did the
network advertise the cuming of this show for weeks before it did cum
on the air , Springer interviewed bunch of "Johns" who were either
dun with her and/or were next in line... ahahaha... So, Stocky, I will
leave it up to your own prurient interests to find out the juicy details.
You may start and then google with yourself while searching the
14 hits for === "sex with 2000" men Jerry Springer ===
AHAHAHA... ahahaha.... ahahanson
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 05:58:13 UTC
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
I am afraid you are on your own KS, if indeed you claims are true in the
first place, because I am just a private citizen who has done a lot of
reading on this topic. Sorry.
2005-10-16 08:33:21 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
I am afraid you are on your own KS, if indeed you claims are true in the
first place, because I am just a private citizen who has done a lot of
reading on this topic. Sorry.

Everything I said is 100% fact and FBI and NSA SADISTS have been
mentally torturing me
for the last 4 years with 24X7 surveillance and non consensual mind
control experiments to read my private thoughts.

Since you said you did a lot of reading on this topic, you should be
aware of some
way to fight the EVIL, CRUEL FBI and NSA SADISTS and PERVERTS and get

Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-16 14:35:17 UTC
Post by N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
I am afraid you are on your own KS, if indeed you claims are true in the
first place, because I am just a private citizen who has done a lot of
reading on this topic. Sorry.
Everything I said is 100% fact and FBI and NSA SADISTS have been
mentally torturing me
for the last 4 years with 24X7 surveillance and non consensual mind
control experiments to read my private thoughts.
Since you said you did a lot of reading on this topic, you should be
aware of some
way to fight the EVIL, CRUEL FBI and NSA SADISTS and PERVERTS and get
Check out the "Air Loom".
I'm familiar with all the tech you mention, including their limitations which
most 'mind control' sites neglect to mention.

Now, why should all these orgs be persecuting *you*? What makes you so special
that they are spending millions of dollars a year doing this? (And that *is* how
much such a focussed surveillance program costs against an individual 24/7/365).

My belief is that you are suffering from a mental illness.
Does the persecution stop when yopu take anti-psychotic drugs?

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-17 10:39:07 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret laboratories of
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted surgically or
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military intelligence
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq, see this
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the emotions of
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their life is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities. They are
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it would be
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any U.F.O. or
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of earth's to
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan and his
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
I am afraid you are on your own KS, if indeed you claims are true in the
first place, because I am just a private citizen who has done a lot of
reading on this topic. Sorry.
Everything I said is 100% fact and FBI and NSA SADISTS have been
mentally torturing me
for the last 4 years with 24X7 surveillance and non consensual mind
control experiments to read my private thoughts.
Since you said you did a lot of reading on this topic, you should be
aware of some
way to fight the EVIL, CRUEL FBI and NSA SADISTS and PERVERTS and get
Check out the "Air Loom".
I'm familiar with all the tech you mention, including their limitations which
most 'mind control' sites neglect to mention.
Now, why should all these orgs be persecuting *you*? What makes you so special
that they are spending millions of dollars a year doing this? (And that *is* how
much such a focussed surveillance program costs against an individual 24/7/365).
My belief is that you are suffering from a mental illness.
Does the persecution stop when yopu take anti-psychotic drugs?
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
You dont know anything about SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY technology and FBI and
CIA and NSA cruel and evil sadists and perverts.

FBI and NSA sadists and perverts are persecuting me because I REFUSED
to behave like a SLAVE to them. If you have the guts why dont you email
FBI agent Frank Spodek - sfrank9 at aol.com and ask him why they
installed video surveillance devices in my bathroom and watch me and my
62 yr old mother and my 10 to 16 yr old nieces and scores of other
relatives naked while taking shower and attending natures calls.

FBI and NSA cruel and evil sadists and perverts gets away with
everything because americans are PROGRAMMED to believe their government
is a democracy when in reality it is a FASCIST dictatorship.

If it opens up your mind to the EVIL FBI and NSA agencies, my
psychiatrist himself realized whatever I was experiencing was REAL and
NOT my delusions or paranoia and ADVISED me to leave USA for good.

You and the rest of the 290 mil americans will actually be SHOCKED at
and NSA agencies and wonder how well the DECEPTIVE american government
has fooled them all these years.

Americans are nothing but EXPERIMENTAL GUINEA PIGS and LAB RATS as far
as FBI, CIA and NSA are concerned. American government does not
perceive americans as human beings.

POWER corrupts human beings and the UNLIMITED POWER americans gave
their government CORRUPTED FBI, CIA and NSA to the core.

It wont be an exaggeration to say americans will REVOLT against govt if
they know the true face of FBI, CIA and NSA agencies.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-17 13:04:55 UTC
Post by KS
You dont know anything about SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY technology and FBI and
CIA and NSA cruel and evil sadists and perverts.
I know how to build such devices.
Post by KS
FBI and NSA sadists and perverts are persecuting me because I REFUSED
to behave like a SLAVE to them. If you have the guts why dont you email
FBI agent Frank Spodek - sfrank9 at aol.com and ask him why they
FBI agents do not use AOL accounts for their official work.
Post by KS
installed video surveillance devices in my bathroom and watch me and my
62 yr old mother and my 10 to 16 yr old nieces and scores of other
relatives naked while taking shower and attending natures calls.
So, you found the cameras and reported them to the police?
Post by KS
FBI and NSA cruel and evil sadists and perverts gets away with
everything because americans are PROGRAMMED to believe their government
is a democracy when in reality it is a FASCIST dictatorship.
If it opens up your mind to the EVIL FBI and NSA agencies, my
psychiatrist himself realized whatever I was experiencing was REAL and
NOT my delusions or paranoia and ADVISED me to leave USA for good.
You and the rest of the 290 mil americans will actually be SHOCKED at
and NSA agencies and wonder how well the DECEPTIVE american government
has fooled them all these years.
Americans are nothing but EXPERIMENTAL GUINEA PIGS and LAB RATS as far
as FBI, CIA and NSA are concerned. American government does not
perceive americans as human beings.
POWER corrupts human beings and the UNLIMITED POWER americans gave
their government CORRUPTED FBI, CIA and NSA to the core.
It wont be an exaggeration to say americans will REVOLT against govt if
they know the true face of FBI, CIA and NSA agencies.
There are large numbers of US citizens who are far more dangerous to the state
than you are. Yet they don't have these problems. Why do you suppose that is?

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-18 12:34:41 UTC
There is no point in arguing with somebody who says they dont believe
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY but they know how to build those devices.

FBI agents can use aol accounts for their personal use.

Cameras cant be seen with naked eye and I need a professionals help
which I didnt get in atlanta area because they thought I am a muslim
even though I tried to convince them that I am a non-muslim.

FBI n NSA agents are OBSESSED with me and are using me as a guinea pig
for mind control experiments.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-18 19:47:03 UTC
Post by KS
There is no point in arguing with somebody who says they dont believe
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY but they know how to build those devices.
I believe in such devices.
I just don't think that the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA etc etc are putting millions of
dollars into projects to persecute Joer Nobody for no reason.
Post by KS
FBI agents can use aol accounts for their personal use.
And you know that it's the account of an FBI agent because...?
Post by KS
Cameras cant be seen with naked eye and I need a professionals help
which I didnt get in atlanta area because they thought I am a muslim
even though I tried to convince them that I am a non-muslim.
*All* cameras can be seen with the naked eye.
If they cannot be then they cannot function as cameras.
Put that one down to fundamental laws of physics.
Post by KS
FBI n NSA agents are OBSESSED with me and are using me as a guinea pig
for mind control experiments.
I don't believe it.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 07:03:25 UTC
You dont believe american govt is spending millions of dollars to
persecute Joe Nobody because you are ignorant and a programmed slave of
american govt.

Why dont you email Frank Spodek email: sfrank9 at aol.com and ask him.
Are you scared to email an fbi agent ?

Latest wireless cameras can be inserted in the ceiling or the walls of
a room that are not visible to the naked eye and can only be detected
with professional equipment according to a knowledgeable private
investigator (ex-fbi agent) in atlanta area who refused to help me even
though I was willing to pay for his services. You can google for
Charles Middlestadt and call and ask him yourself.

You seem to be stuck in 30 yr old technology. Read the post by Raktizer
Omheit and educate yourself about the latest technology of FBI and NSA
sadists and perverts.

You dont believe it because you have a closed brain.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-19 11:39:41 UTC
Post by KS
You dont believe american govt is spending millions of dollars to
persecute Joe Nobody because you are ignorant and a programmed slave of
american govt.
Why dont you email Frank Spodek email: sfrank9 at aol.com and ask him.
Are you scared to email an fbi agent ?
email another nobody pretending to be somebody, with no way to check?
Rather pointless don't you think?
Post by KS
Latest wireless cameras can be inserted in the ceiling or the walls of
a room that are not visible to the naked eye and can only be detected
with professional equipment according to a knowledgeable private
investigator (ex-fbi agent) in atlanta area who refused to help me even
though I was willing to pay for his services. You can google for
Charles Middlestadt and call and ask him yourself.
Well, paint the wall and ceiling, or paper them over.
Problem solved.
Post by KS
You seem to be stuck in 30 yr old technology. Read the post by Raktizer
Omheit and educate yourself about the latest technology of FBI and NSA
sadists and perverts.
You dont believe it because you have a closed brain.
Occams Razor.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Bruce Sinclair
2005-10-18 23:09:17 UTC
Post by KS
There is no point in arguing with somebody who says they dont believe
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY but they know how to build those devices.
FBI agents can use aol accounts for their personal use.
Cameras cant be seen with naked eye and I need a professionals help
which I didnt get in atlanta area because they thought I am a muslim
even though I tried to convince them that I am a non-muslim.
FBI n NSA agents are OBSESSED with me and are using me as a guinea pig
for mind control experiments.
It's working :)


I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett

Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
(if there were any)
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 23:11:00 UTC
Post by N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Post by Raktizer Omheit
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of
Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers,
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet,
telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The
N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget,
and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S.
military. The top secret technologies of the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian technology. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what
the level of technological advancement is within the secret
the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency ].
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
scans, probably by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With the latest
top secret, rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in
conducting synthetic telepathy torture training against people suffering
from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, experimentation on the
mentally ill, red herring "good cop/bad cop" diversions, openly secret
intimidation terror tactics against dissidents, and espionage against
targeted dissidents is probably obsolete by now. Rather, a system of
subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today
against such targeted individuals. Once it was believed that claims about
C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass
conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990s publicly
admitted that the allegation was true. The Stealth Bomber, which can evade
enemy radar, was first revealed to the U.S. public only in 1988. No doubt
that secret agents have microscopic computer chips implanted
injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy
read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous,
misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
If you don't believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m.,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Personally, I have been greatly intrigued in how with all the resources
available in electronic espionage to the U.S. National Security Agency,
Central Security Service, Defence Intelligence Agency, and the Central
Intelligence Agency, it was possible for the U.S. military
agencies to be genuinely duped into believing that Saddam Hussein's Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction [ W.M.D. ], when the Iraqi military
failed to use those weapons in the U.S. war against Iraq in 2003. I do
believe however that Iran, which shares a very long border with Iraq, is
actively and secretly trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction,
especially nuclear weapons. Of course, both Iran and Iraq have large oil
reserves. Iran also has a long coastline in the Persian Gulf and along the
Caspian Sea. Iran also borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Turkmenistan. Pakistan, which borders the nuclear weapons power
of India, is the only mostly Muslim nation in the world which has nuclear
weapons. So far, the rate of U.S. casualties on a daily basis in the current
U.S.-Iraq War is far less than that which the U.S.A. suffered in The Vietnam
War, where the U.S. military lost some 58,000 persons between 1959-1975,
with most of the casualties sustained between 1965-1973. For a highly
revealing look at the politics behind the current U.S. war in Iraq,
web site called "Iraq: Why Did The USA Want "Regime Change"?", by KryssTal,
in http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa_iraq.html .
See also "National Security Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency ,
"Central Security Service" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service ,
"ECHELON" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON ,
"Defense Intelligence Agency" in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Intelligence_Agency ,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" in
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopathic and sadomasochistic
torturers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid developing any
sympathy for their targeted victims, probably avoid feeling the
their victims, although they do read the emotional state of their
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims. Then
again, who can feel all te emotions which a person has undergone every
second of all of their life? The emotions and silent words of their victims
can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy
torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to
censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want
broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal
or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of
subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology,
and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear
that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are
means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently
spoken or silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank
can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are probably predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadiomasochistic activities.
probably also atheist in their religious beliefs.
See "Dutch NDE Study Attracts Worldwide Attention", by Jeffrey Long, MD &
Paul Bernstein, PhD, concerning the research of the Dutch cardiologist Pim
van Lommel, MD, in
http://www.mikepettigrew.com/afterlife/html/dutch_study.html ,
"Consciousness Based on Wireless?, by Jeffrey Benner, concerning the
scientific theory for near death experiences as put forward by Johnjoe
McFadden, Professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in
Great Britain, in
"Impact of the Near-Death Experience on Grief and Loss", by Bruce Horacek,
Ph.D. and by IANDS, in http://www.iands.org/grief_and_loss.html ,
and "Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death
Experience" ( from the Spring '92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10,
No.3 ), P.M.H. Atwater L.H.D., Ph.D. ( Hon. ), in
http://www.cinemind.com/atwater/hell.html .
I personally have not had a near-death experience. I wonder if it
possible to transmit thoughts and emotions by means of synthetic telepathy
back into the past, by watching a recording of a once live broadcast for
example? If subatomic particles called tachyons really do exist, then this
just might be possible.
See "Speed of light broken with basic lab kit," by Charles Choi, in
NewScientist.com news service, in
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2796 ,
"Faster-than-light", in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light ,
and "Tachyon," in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon
Concerning faster-than-the-speed of light travel, I wonder how any
extraterrestrial from another planet could possess a spacecraft which could
travel faster than the speed of light in traversing the millions of light
years which separate one planet in a different solar system from another,
provided that planet's conditions are similar enough to that of
sustain highly evolved lifeforms. Perhaps U.F.O.'s are really Satan
fallen angels in disguse, when one takes into consideration Ezekiel chapters
one, nine, and ten, Revelation chapter four, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation
12:7-9, and Isaiah chapter six into consideration. Of course an atheist
would not consider this to be the case, because an atheist does not believe
in the supernatural.
"OAK.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars", by Richard
Allan Miller, at
http://www.nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html ,
"GWEN: Ground Wave Emergency Network-Powerful Antennae Controlling
http://www.world-action.co.uk/gwen.html ,
and "Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency" at
http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/pro-freedom.co.uk/cov_us.html .
Hello Mr Raktizer Omheit,
FBI and NSA cruel sadists and perverts have been conducting this
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY non consensual mind control experiments on me for
the last one year. They have been posting my PRIVATE THOUGHTS on a
couple of internet newsgroups I read daily.
Can you guide me as to how I can get help from attorneys, DOJ etc.
Here are some samples of FBI and NSA sadists posting my private
thoughts on internet.
1) After suffering non stop 24X7 surveillance for 4 years, I said to
myself on Jan 15th "Somebody please help me" inside my mind and the
next day FBI sadists posted this sarcastic comment on alt.privacy
2) On feb 2nd, I thought about getting an account with one of the
usenet providers for three or four weeks temporarily and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy
3) On Apr 22nd I thought about buying Jeans and FBI sadists read my
private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on Apr 23rd about 501
4) On Jan 22nd, FBI sadists sarcastically posted this on alt.privacy if
I can hear them in my mind. (Check the subject title)
5) On May 9th, I thought about incorporating a company and FBI sadists
read my private thoughts and sarcastically posted this on May 10th in
These are just a few examples.
Anybody living in America who thinks they have PRIVACY from FBI and NSA
agencies and America is a DEMOCRACY is big fucking fool and a
programmed slave of FASCIST american government.
I am afraid you are on your own KS, if indeed you claims are true in the
first place, because I am just a private citizen who has done a lot of
reading on this topic. Sorry.
Everything I said is 100% fact and FBI and NSA SADISTS have been
mentally torturing me
for the last 4 years with 24X7 surveillance and non consensual mind
control experiments to read my private thoughts.
Since you said you did a lot of reading on this topic, you should be
aware of some
way to fight the EVIL, CRUEL FBI and NSA SADISTS and PERVERTS and get
If it will make you feel any better KS, have a look at this following web
site, although I myself have never personally experienced what you claim to
have experienced:
"List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Cheryl Welsh claims that she has some limited means of helping people like
you KS, although if what is happening to you really is true, then your
chances of beating the NSA are slim indeed.
Attila the Bum
2005-10-15 15:16:39 UTC
Raktizer Omheit wrote:
[snip ...]
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also make themselves invisible to
detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ]
[snip ...]

My sister's believed that someone implanted a
radio transmitter or receiver in the neck area
of the spine, sapphire/titanium plus circuitry.
She's looked for it with MRI (Why? Why not CT,
or ...?). I have documentation. She's also the
person who basically failed outside and came
back to spend some 20 years arguing with the
mom, pushing her to a collapse, getting power
of attorney, siezing all the liquid assets and
spending little or nothing of the old woman,
trying to get mom's apartment, generally
providing negligent care and pushing mom
into an early grave (mom has an older sister
set for an 92nd birthday next spring, and a
younger sister now about 87; mom died more than
10 years ago at 77). There's a surrogate court
judge (female) helping my sister. Sick queers?

Atty (Modern myths: health care; security;
democracy; the church; impartial justice;
education; "sugar and spice, and" .... :-)
2005-10-15 16:09:29 UTC
Raktizer Omheit wrote:

Nothing in particular.

Suggestion: Review the date of this missive:
and revert your medication type and dosage to match. Your writing was
briefer and more to the point in those days.
2005-10-15 17:03:30 UTC
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.

I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.

Mark Thorson
2005-10-15 18:22:05 UTC
Post by KS
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet.
Scientology could help you with that. :-)
N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)
2005-10-15 22:08:26 UTC
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds.
Either you are Raktizer, or you are a licensed physician. Which
is it?

David A. Smith
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 06:03:23 UTC
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
If the American military has publicly admitted to the following in these web
sites, it makes me wonder what remains classified:
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at

Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
video games, for example. See this link:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-16 14:37:32 UTC
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
If the American military has publicly admitted to the following in these web
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
You'll also find that the effects of these weapons (which are generally *area*
weapons) mimic paranoid schizophrenia.
Which is to say, paranoid schizophrenia mimics the effects of these weapons.
Now, which way around is more likely?

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-16 23:15:32 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
If the American military has publicly admitted to the following in these
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
You'll also find that the effects of these weapons (which are generally
*area* weapons) mimic paranoid schizophrenia.
Which is to say, paranoid schizophrenia mimics the effects of these weapons.
Now, which way around is more likely?
To be honest Dirk, I would not know, because I myself have never been
subjected to such weapons, and because I have never suffered from the
above-mentioned illness.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-16 23:30:06 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
If the American military has publicly admitted to the following in these
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
You'll also find that the effects of these weapons (which are generally
*area* weapons) mimic paranoid schizophrenia.
Which is to say, paranoid schizophrenia mimics the effects of these weapons.
Now, which way around is more likely?
To be honest Dirk, I would not know, because I myself have never been
subjected to such weapons, and because I have never suffered from the
above-mentioned illness.
Well, I'd say that there are more rather schizophrenics around than there are
covert mind control devices operated by teams of intelligence agents.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-17 05:31:08 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by Raktizer Omheit
Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
If the American military has publicly admitted to the following in these
"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control": from CNN'S Special Assignment,
about 1985, at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/cnn-mc.htm , by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is
scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the
related technology," by Cheryl Welsh, March 2003, in
http://www.mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm , and "2005 update: The convergence
of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new
post cold war government neuroscience research programs," by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, January, 2005, at
Also, there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology could
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661974/ . The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activity of brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found in
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article
called "Remote control brain sensor", at
You'll also find that the effects of these weapons (which are generally
*area* weapons) mimic paranoid schizophrenia.
Which is to say, paranoid schizophrenia mimics the effects of these weapons.
Now, which way around is more likely?
To be honest Dirk, I would not know, because I myself have never been
subjected to such weapons, and because I have never suffered from the
above-mentioned illness.
Well, I'd say that there are more rather schizophrenics around than there
are covert mind control devices operated by teams of intelligence agents.
No doubt that there are Dirk.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Rob & Kirsty Buckley
2005-10-16 14:26:27 UTC
Here you go:


Post by KS
Raktizer does not need any meds. Its you and the rest of the americans
who think america is a democracy and american govt respects human
of all americans who needs PSYCHIATRIC HELP from your SLAVERY to the
FASCIST american government.
I am a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY myself. CRUEL FBI and NSA sadists
and perverts have violated my human rights a few hundred times and are
humiliating me by posting my private thoughts on internet. They also
and illegally installed video surveillance devices in my apartment
bathroom and enjoyed watching senior citizens and underage kids taking
shower and attending natures calls.
2005-10-16 18:42:08 UTC
I wonder why the gummint would want to spend billions to be able to snoop,
when they clearly dont listen, and apparently dont give a damn what we want
or think or feel anyway.
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-17 05:29:07 UTC
Post by H***@nospam.nix
I wonder why the gummint would want to spend billions to be able to snoop,
when they clearly dont listen, and apparently dont give a damn what we want
or think or feel anyway.
Very good point HLS.
2005-10-17 08:05:35 UTC

Because the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT wants to CONTROL everybodys THOUGHT
PROCESS with their UNLIMITED POWER which gives them perpetual hardons.

POWER is the most potent aphrodisiac, remember.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-17 13:01:38 UTC
Post by KS
Because the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT wants to CONTROL everybodys THOUGHT
PROCESS with their UNLIMITED POWER which gives them perpetual hardons.
POWER is the most potent aphrodisiac, remember.
They can't even control a few ragheads in Iraq using the entire military power
of the US - including all these super secret Mind Kontrol devices. Maybe because
they are all in use tormenting Joe Nobody at home?

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-18 12:07:35 UTC
Majority of americans ie atleast 70% are PROGRAMMED SLAVES of american
govt. They believe everything their govt tells them just like those 70%
believed iraq had WMD.

American govt is actually a DICTATORSHIP covered with a VEIL of
democracy to fool americans and the rest of the world.

If all americans suddenly become independent thinking, then american
govt will immediately announce Martial Law and sell the virtues of
dictatorship to americans.

Educate yourself at www.thirdworldtraveler.com
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-18 19:44:26 UTC
Post by KS
Majority of americans ie atleast 70% are PROGRAMMED SLAVES of american
govt. They believe everything their govt tells them just like those 70%
believed iraq had WMD.
That's just stupidity and low IQ.
The place to start is to realise that half the population are below average
Post by KS
American govt is actually a DICTATORSHIP covered with a VEIL of
democracy to fool americans and the rest of the world.
Stupid sheep are always easy to fool.
Post by KS
If all americans suddenly become independent thinking, then american
govt will immediately announce Martial Law and sell the virtues of
dictatorship to americans.
Which will never happen, unless the sheep demand it (which would not suprise me).
Post by KS
Educate yourself at www.thirdworldtraveler.com
Read a bit about the Roman Empire, esp the "bread and circus" bits.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-18 22:49:23 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by KS
Majority of americans ie atleast 70% are PROGRAMMED SLAVES of american
govt. They believe everything their govt tells them just like those 70%
believed iraq had WMD.
That's just stupidity and low IQ.
The place to start is to realise that half the population are below
average intelligence.
Post by KS
American govt is actually a DICTATORSHIP covered with a VEIL of
democracy to fool americans and the rest of the world.
Stupid sheep are always easy to fool.
Post by KS
If all americans suddenly become independent thinking, then american
govt will immediately announce Martial Law and sell the virtues of
dictatorship to americans.
Which will never happen, unless the sheep demand it (which would not suprise me).
Post by KS
Educate yourself at www.thirdworldtraveler.com
Read a bit about the Roman Empire, esp the "bread and circus" bits.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Iraq so far has not been that costly to the American military when compared
to Vietnam, where some 58,000 American soldiers were killed between
1959-1975 ( i.e. beginning with the Green Berets ), although most of the
casualties occurred between 1965-1973. That is why there have not been such
large anti-Iraqi war demonstrations in the U.S.A. as there were in the U.S.
anti-Vietnam war demonstrations. However, if U.S. casulaties continue to
mount at their current rate in Iraq, the Republican party just might lose
the 2008 Presidential elections, because no one likes an endless and costly
Bruce Sinclair
2005-10-18 23:08:17 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by KS
Majority of americans ie atleast 70% are PROGRAMMED SLAVES of american
govt. They believe everything their govt tells them just like those 70%
believed iraq had WMD.
That's just stupidity and low IQ.
The place to start is to realise that half the population are below average
Post by KS
American govt is actually a DICTATORSHIP covered with a VEIL of
democracy to fool americans and the rest of the world.
Stupid sheep are always easy to fool.
Post by KS
If all americans suddenly become independent thinking, then american
govt will immediately announce Martial Law and sell the virtues of
dictatorship to americans.
Which will never happen, unless the sheep demand it (which would not suprise me).
This has already started. The US calls it "homeland security" ... and the
masses are lapping it up. :)


I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett

Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
(if there were any)
2005-10-18 13:39:00 UTC
Here is an FBI sadist and pervert who posted anonymously with my nick

Check out his blood lust, sadism and sexual perversion.

Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-18 19:48:30 UTC
Post by KS
Here is an FBI sadist and pervert who posted anonymously with my nick
Check out his blood lust, sadism and sexual perversion.
Well, that certainly looked convincing:-)
So, how do you know it was the FBI?
They guy showed you a badge (and do you know what a real one looks like)?
Took you to the local office?


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 07:14:53 UTC
I have higher intuitive powers than normal which enabled me to figure
out the FBI sadists who were following me 24X7. You can read about them
in this thread.


Me figuring out their identies pissed off FBI and they became very
SADISTIC and OBSESSED with me thereafter and they entered my apartment
illegally during the night time and drugged me and inserted synthetic
telepathy chips in my body to read my PRIVATE THOUGHTS to control my
thought process. This happened approximately around Feb 2004, a good
2.5 yrs after they put me on 24X7 surveillance initially.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-19 11:40:07 UTC
Post by KS
I have higher intuitive powers than normal which enabled me to figure
out the FBI sadists who were following me 24X7. You can read about them
in this thread.
Me figuring out their identies pissed off FBI and they became very
SADISTIC and OBSESSED with me thereafter and they entered my apartment
illegally during the night time and drugged me and inserted synthetic
telepathy chips in my body to read my PRIVATE THOUGHTS to control my
thought process. This happened approximately around Feb 2004, a good
2.5 yrs after they put me on 24X7 surveillance initially.
My higher intuitive powers reveal that you are probably mentally ill.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 12:22:02 UTC
I am glad I realized atleast now you are not receptive to reason and
logic. What a waste of time discussing this with an american govt
programmed slave.
Bruce Sinclair
2005-10-19 23:09:33 UTC
Post by KS
I have higher intuitive powers than normal which enabled me to figure
out the FBI sadists who were following me 24X7. You can read about them
in this thread.
"Intuitivepowers" can be renamed "inventive imaginings" or more correctly,
Truly ... get over it. No one cares that much ... really :)


I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett

Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
(if there were any)
2005-10-18 16:57:40 UTC
American govt successfully killed a 100,000 iraqis and INSTALLED a
PUPPET GOVERNMENT in iraq to control iraqi oil.

What are you still complaining about ?
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-18 19:49:45 UTC
Post by KS
American govt successfully killed a 100,000 iraqis and INSTALLED a
PUPPET GOVERNMENT in iraq to control iraqi oil.
What are you still complaining about ?
Well, I think you'll see from the news that the project isn't going quite as
well as they may like.

Probably down to a shortage of mind control machines.
Maybe they are all tied up persecuting you, or maybe they don't work on Moslems.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 07:22:19 UTC
Sunni revolt is a different matter. But American govt still SUCCEEDED
in making Iraq a SLAVE SATELLITE nation of USA by installing a PUPPET
GOVT in iraq.

You misunderstood the concept of mind control. Mind control works only
when you know they are able to read your PRIVATE THOUGHTS and it wont
work on muslims since they hate american govt for iraq war anyway.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-19 11:40:45 UTC
Post by KS
Sunni revolt is a different matter. But American govt still SUCCEEDED
in making Iraq a SLAVE SATELLITE nation of USA by installing a PUPPET
GOVT in iraq.
You misunderstood the concept of mind control. Mind control works only
when you know they are able to read your PRIVATE THOUGHTS and it wont
work on muslims since they hate american govt for iraq war anyway.
And you love the American govt, hence it works on you...

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 12:20:14 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by KS
Sunni revolt is a different matter. But American govt still SUCCEEDED
in making Iraq a SLAVE SATELLITE nation of USA by installing a PUPPET
GOVT in iraq.
You misunderstood the concept of mind control. Mind control works only
when you know they are able to read your PRIVATE THOUGHTS and it wont
work on muslims since they hate american govt for iraq war anyway.
And you love the American govt, hence it works on you...
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
You are not intelligent and rational. SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY mind reading
and letting the victim know about it forces the victim to think within
certain parameters. That is the aim of FBI and NSA sadists.
2005-10-19 07:35:07 UTC

FBI sadists posted comments on the newsgroups I read everyday how my 62

yr old mom looks ugly naked in the bath room. They also posted some
things that happened in my bathroom. Unfortunately I cannot prove it
because those comments were restricted to appear for only 7 days.

Here is some proof of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY again. You will believe it if

you are a rational and logical person.

On Oct 16th, I thought about buying some CDs and DVDs. FBI and NSA
sadists read my PRIVATE THOUGHTS and posted this on alt.privacy
newsgroup on Oct 17th. This particular comment from FBI will appear for

only the next 5 days because they restricted it.


There are 125,000 news groups on internet and why do you think this guy

posted this comment about CDs and DVDs ONLY on alt.privacy newsgroup
and that too it is his ONLY POST EVER. If you click on "options" and
then "find messages by this author" in google groups, you will see this


If this DOES NOT prove logically that FBI and NSA sadists forcibly
installed SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY chips in my body by drugging me to read
my PRIVATE THOUGHTS, then I dont know what else will convince you.

FBI and NSA sadists have posted about 90-100 instances of reading my
PRIVATE THOUGHTS on usenet. I already disclosed some in the beginning
of this thread.

2) Here is another example of FBI and NSA sadists and perverts
installing video surveillance devices in my bathroom and watching me,
senior citizens and underage teeanage girls and my relatives taking
shower and attending natures calls.

On May 8th, something happened in my bathroom with "raw dodgy shit" and

FBI and NSA sadists and perverts watched it and posted this comment.
Concentrate on the KEYWORDS "raw shit that doesnt look dodgy". It is
impossible for FBI and NSA sadists to know what happened in my bathroom

on May8th unless they were watching me with video surveillance devices.

Ignore the url posted and the rest of the comments.


Americans who think they are living in a democracy are nothing but
first rate fools. You can continue to be a PROGRAMMED SLAVE of EVIL,

I care.

At least some americans who can think logically and rationally will
learn from my experience and protect themselves from the EVIL AMERICAN

Americans will REVOLT against AMERICAN GOVT if they know the true evil
face of FBI and CIA and NSA agencies. But it aint gonna happen because
70% of americans are PROGRAMMED SLAVES of american govt who are not
receptive to logic and rationale.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax
2005-10-19 11:44:04 UTC
Post by KS
FBI sadists posted comments on the newsgroups I read everyday how my 62
I have no doubt that somebody does, probably just to wind you up.
Post by KS
yr old mom looks ugly naked in the bath room. They also posted some
things that happened in my bathroom. Unfortunately I cannot prove it
because those comments were restricted to appear for only 7 days.
Here is some proof of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY again. You will believe it if
you are a rational and logical person.
On Oct 16th, I thought about buying some CDs and DVDs. FBI and NSA
sadists read my PRIVATE THOUGHTS and posted this on alt.privacy
newsgroup on Oct 17th. This particular comment from FBI will appear for
only the next 5 days because they restricted it.
I've had conversations with people on TV while I've been tripping on acid.
That link is posted by s/w pirates or spammers.
Next you'll be telling me about how they read your mind about Viagra.

The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
2005-10-19 12:27:26 UTC
freaking low iq moron,

Here is another proof FBI sadists put me under 24X7 surveillance.


FBI sadist Nicklebaker knew that I left home the previous day and
travelled to a different city because of audio and video surveillance
devices installed in my home.

I have had enough with your slave brain. Get lost.
2005-10-19 12:55:38 UTC
Post by Dirk Bruere at Neopax
Post by KS
FBI sadists posted comments on the newsgroups I read everyday how my 62
I have no doubt that somebody does, probably just to wind you up.
Post by KS
yr old mom looks ugly naked in the bath room. They also posted some
things that happened in my bathroom. Unfortunately I cannot prove it
because those comments were restricted to appear for only 7 days.
Here is some proof of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY again. You will believe it if
you are a rational and logical person.
On Oct 16th, I thought about buying some CDs and DVDs. FBI and NSA
sadists read my PRIVATE THOUGHTS and posted this on alt.privacy
newsgroup on Oct 17th. This particular comment from FBI will appear for
only the next 5 days because they restricted it.
I've had conversations with people on TV while I've been tripping on acid.
That link is posted by s/w pirates or spammers.
Next you'll be telling me about how they read your mind about Viagra.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
FBI and NSA sadists and perverts LOVE your kind of people because it is
easy for them to MANIPULATE you to think FBI and NSA does not violate
human rights and humiliate, harass, dehumanize and torture american
Raktizer Omheit
2005-10-18 22:42:48 UTC
Post by KS
Because the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT wants to CONTROL everybodys THOUGHT
PROCESS with their UNLIMITED POWER which gives them perpetual hardons.
POWER is the most potent aphrodisiac, remember.
I believe Henry Kissinger once said that, KS.