Treon Verdery <***> wrote:
: Curved lines make only certain possible paths, change the possible paths [a=
: nd you] change sequential degrees of freedom [among] timelike degrees of fr=
: eedom; field equations describe electrons [every electron has a magnetic fi=
: eld] [so to look for new kinds of paths with different degrees of freedom f=
: rom magnetism you could look at the] field equations that describe electron=
: s, it could be that, just like some equations have two or more solutions el=
: ectron fields have more than one possible solution, particularly for partic=
: ular configurations of an electron or electrons]; different simultaneous so=
: lutions of the electron suggest fundamentally] new kinds of electrons [and =
: electromagnetism] Different electrons [from that] make different magnetic f=
: ields with different curve shapes and different sequential or asequential d=
: egrees of freedom linking a new kind of magnetism to time.
: Now, as I write this, here is a long version that might be more readable=20
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