A way to terminate malaria mosquitos, and other insects that eat crops can be accomplished is to have a look at the effect of each epigenetic effect, acetylation, methylation, ubiquinaton and other epigenetics modification, at every individual gene a
(too old to reply)
Treon Verdery
2022-12-09 11:49:04 UTC
It is imaginable that people during the year 2021AD got 80-90% of infectious illness from mucous membranes, and body orifices, it's also possible to imagine 3-4% of all illnesses arising from the dermis, making a good tasting oral pill, or drink with Localization that causes leukocytes and various other body defence cytes to be 24 times as high in concentration as a 2021 person, attaching a chemical to all the mucous membranes and body orifices that causes leukocytes to gather near it at bigger numbers like 24 times as much as different body tissues causes these places to have short distance, and rapid action of engulfing infectious material and travelling to any actual bacteria, virus area, microorganism, or fungi infection, a peptide that likes to glom on to mucous membrane material, and orifice surface material, has many side branches that are a chemical or amino acid polymer, nucleotide polymer or a chemical at the 99th percentile that attracts wbc, the branches hydrolize and separate gradually over several hours and are continually replaced, if the dermis and surface area of the mucous mucous membranes and lung surface is 7-8 sq meters, and they have a peptide-attractant layer 40 nm thick and where each 1/1000 of a micron 700-800 area blocks contains 1-4 peptide-stuff locations then 6000 * 100 billion * 100 billion peptide receipts on cyte and causes release leukocytes gene to make chemicals right there that makes leukocytes attracted to around the site outside

Trace amino acids receptors called Taars cause livelier happier feeling when activated, and at me cause much greater intelligent thoughts and the ability to think of 24-32 new technology ideas every 24 hours, the epigenetics of taar receptor proteins at both the receptor gene, the gene upstream of that, the network of genes surrounding the taar receptor gene, and cascading genes and gene interactions, if this is as many as 11-16 genes, and epigenetics can cause 4 different states from up and down amount, as well as up and down amount of things, genes that decrease gene activity, then there are about 2^20 or greater epigenetics of taar receptor action variations and a similar or higher amount of variant forms at the genetics of the things produced at cytes that activate the receptor, with that many forms it is possible to find the happiest, most enjoyable, greatest multiplier of occurrences of creative thought at the conceptual richness and highest utility of those thoughts, that can be placed at an oral pill,

Thin audio cortex linked to schizophrenic voices could be caused to omit hearing voices that are not from sound from scanning the different neuron chemistry variants electrical receptor activation t the audio cortex of people with the very fewest relatives that hear voices and comparing it to people who hear voices, then create neural pattern activation that is the nearest to the well person, rna drugs that produce multiple peptide aptamer receptor activators on one gene, each separated from the others that with linker peptides that enzymes cause to come apart, make numerous receptor activator aptamer peptides, and these cause a neuron neuron communications electricity and chemical activity amount similar to people who do not hear voices, the rna drug can be made in different forms, as an 29 day lasting gradual rna dose/24 hours from either n oral enteric pill, an oral buccal gel fluid kept in the mouth for an interval duration able to cause a multi-day to month rna and peptide activity producing dodecanate form, after the person who hears voices utilizes the rna drug group, if they like it they can get the 11 decade or 28 decade or 40 decade rna drug diffusing version, one version is highly like a 2021 cosmetic collagen airjet airjection tube aplicator likemountoral activation amount, gene, transcriptiona number of rna peptide receptor modulation stem cell

ApoE protein attaches to fats and cholesterol and different variations like I think ApoE 4 cause much less cardiovascular disease including heart illnesses and strokes, as well as azheimers, a gi tract bacteria that has many decades of continuous amount at the gi tract could be made to produce the version of ApoE that most strongly reduces cardiovascular disease and azheimers, with the new ApoE also having a moiety or active transport channel activating peptide on it, and to make the ApoE travel more effectively to the circulatory system microvasculature the ApoE could also have an active export channel transport increasing peptide on it, then its possible to measure whether the body having two forms of ApoE circulating is beneficial, if just the most beneficial apoe molecule can be the kind at the body if the gi tract bacteria also make epigenetic modifier RNAi that hypermethylate and downregulate the tissue production of the ApoE form associated with cardiovascular disease, also at the network of gene activation around the tissue produced ApoE there may be genes that when acetylated actually increase their reduction of tissue ApoE production

Genetically modifying the mycorhizzial communities of crop plants, as well as wild natural plants has numerous ways to cause more plant thriving and amount of plant material that grows, one way is to look at the size and shape of the mycorhizzial bacteria and do things like double their length, and halve their diameter to cause 4-8 greater surface area for transporting macro nutrients like fertilizers and micronutrients and exporting them to plant roots, similarly at fungi the cyte length can be doubled, and the diameter of the fungal hyphae reduced to cause 4-8 times availability to the roots and the symbiotic community, another thing genetically modified bacteria can do at a microrhizzial community is to make epigenetic modifier RNAi that upregulate the plants and the fungi production of the amount of active transport channels and active export channels to 2,4,8,16 times the amount, that causes the the plant to absorb many multiples more NPK and micronutrients, as well as exporting 2, 4 or greater amounts sugars and other materials to the fungi, the bacteria can also make RNAi epigenetic drugs that cause the fungi to grow 2-4-8 or greater amounts more rapidly, with one approach being acetylation their genes that cause growth

Childhood diarrhea is possibly the second most risky illness of children during 2021, a genetically engineered probiotic or multiple bacteria form that causes much less dehydration, much less diarrhea, much less noncomfortableness, and is antipyretic, and much greater amounts of tissue healing
2022-12-09 14:10:09 UTC
On Friday, December 9, 2022 at 4:49:07 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:

What you are doing is a violation of the rules of USENET. Desist.
The Doctor
2022-12-09 16:10:48 UTC
Post by dlzc
What you are doing is a violation of the rules of USENET. Desist.
Or simply stop Google Groups from spaming with trollers involved.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b
Happy Christmas 2022 and Merry New Year 2023 Beware https://mindspring.com